
2019 Fall Experience Recap

Bold Dance Project’s first official NYC Experience was a hit!! Thank you so much to the students, teachers, and parents who attended for making this such a wonderful weekend! Our students got to work with several of our amazing faculty members – Aaron Burr, Brandon Kelly, Ashley Gale Munzek, and our owner Alicia Pociask. We are also so thankful to our special guest faculty member Jim Cooney who taught Musical Theater to both of our groups. 

Jim Cooney

These wonderful dancers came to New York City for an inspiring weekend of dance. They were able to take class in a variety of styles with small class sizes in one of the largest professional rehearsal studios in NYC. For most of the weekend, classes were split for Juniors (ages 8-12) and Seniors (13+). Both groups warmed up together each day and then came together for the final class on Sunday with Alicia. 

BDP students took part in three classes each day plus a parent showcase at the end to show off what they learned! Each day finished around 1:30 which left families plenty of time to explore New York and take in the amazing sights and restaurants that the city has to offer.

We hope that everyone who attended our very first experience had an inspiring time with us and we are so excited to see you again for the next one! As BDP continues to grow, our mission of providing intimate and inspiring learning experiences will never change. We hope that you all will join us this Spring for our next NYC exprience March 14-15, 2020. We are adding a few more classes for everyone and also a Mini class for ages 6-7!!! Registration will open soon so be sure to sign up for our emails to get notified when it opens!

Bold Dance Project – Fall 2019

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